I will for sure try and test out the damage modifier to my liking, thanks for the suggestion. It was the first mod I used on console back in the day before i had a pc. Then on top of that, modifiy the game settings in MCM to have outgoing damage and incoming damage modifiers to by. but thats a little too much when you can 1 shot an enemy through power armor. The authors basically wanted it realistic, where a weapon should wound on the first shot, kill on the second. I recommend going into the MCM and turning the damage modifier from 100% to 25%. I still have a few nifty standalone gun mods, but modern firearms is mainly it Also, I have 255 plugins, so to have a leveled list weapons mod that contains all the weapons that mod does, is kind of a lifesaver. Primarily for the reason that it makes the game more difficult without really trying.